
Special Type Pan Mixing Machine with Solenoid Control Pneumatic Door System fitted with Rossi (Italy) high efficiency Bevel Helical Gear Box and 15 H.P Motor.

Specifications for Pan Mixer
Capacity  500 Kgs 
Drum Height   600 x 1600mm 
Total Height   1600mm
Inner Liner  6 x 2000mm 
Bottom Ware Plate  6mm : 4 no's 
Bottom Ware Plate  16mm 
Side Plate 200 x 6mm 
Main Housing Rod   100mm 
Tapper Roller Bearing  2 no`s 
Thrust Bearing  1 no 
Mixing Blade Arms  2 no`s. MS Plates with High Carbon Tips 
Mixer Roller  200 x 400mm : 2 no`s. Graded Cast Iron 
Cast Iron Rollers  2 no`s 
V-6 Type Gear Box   1:40 Ratio 
Oil Capacity  SEA-300. 10 liters 
Motor  20 H.P. 1440 RPM 
Belt Drive  Foot Mounted 
Total Weight  3.5 Tons

Model Specifications subject to change without notice for Improvement.