In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most effective and most commonly practiced conventional artificial fertility procedures. IVF is an assistive reproductive technique (ART) treatment in which mature eggs are collected from the ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory with a man's sperm.
The developed embryos are then placed back into the uterus, while any extra embryos can be frozen for future use.
IVF has become increasingly popular among couples who are facing problems conceiving naturally. IVF is now the treatment of choice in complex infertility cases. It's also used when factors like unexplained infertility are causing problems in natural conception.
The use cases for IVF treatment include:
Even after extensive testing, sometimes the cause of infertility remains unknown. IVF may still be an option in these cases due to its high success rate.
Because low sperm counts, poor motility, or abnormal sperm shapes can interfere with fertilization, IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI is a good option
Fertility declines naturally with age, and IVF may be recommended for women over a certain age, especially if other fertility treatments haven't been successful.
In bilateral tubal disease, both fallopian tubes are damaged or blocked. This prevents eggs from traveling to the uterus for fertilization and embryos from traveling to the uterus for implantation.
IVF completely bypasses the fallopian tubes by allowing fertilization to occur in a laboratory before a fertilized egg is transferred to the uterus.
Both PCOS and endometriosis can cause infertility. While PCOS disrupts ovulation, endometriosis causes inflammation or physical obstructions. IVF can help women with these issues conceive.
Couples who experience repeated failures with IUI might want to try IVF, since it has a higher success rate.
IVF can be more effective than IUI because it addresses potential issues like blocked fallopian tubes or severe male factor infertility and provides more control over the fertilization process.
In IVF, genetic testing (PGT) of embryos to screen for genetic disorders before implantation is possible. The procedure prevents the transmission of such conditions to the child.
D Y Patil IVF Centre is a part of Bloom IVF Centre with over 30 years of experience. Bloom IVF has been responsible for the birth of thousands of babies and has helped many couples fulfill their dreams of parenthood.
At our centre, the best IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai will go through your medical history with you and help you choose the therapy and diagnostic procedures that are best for you.
IVF is one of the more popular forms of assisted reproductive technology. When you visit the best IVF center in Navi Mumbai, D Y Patil IVF Centre’s team of experts will perform the following steps to complete the process:
Normally, women only produce one egg every monthly cycle. A doctor at our IVF clinic in Navi Mumbai will administer fertility drugs to trigger a process known as superovulation, which promotes follicle growth and releases multiple eggs.
The more eggs you produce, the more chances you’ll have of successful fertilization later on in the treatment. You’ll also receive transvaginal ultrasounds and blood tests on a regular basis to monitor follicular growth.
A hormone injection will be given a day before your eggs are to be extracted, which will help your eggs mature. The eggs will then be removed using a simple surgical procedure called follicular extraction.
Egg extraction is usually done at D Y Patil IVF Hospital in Navi Mumbai as an outpatient procedure. A doctor will then collect the eggs using a small needle attached to a suction device.
Don't worry; you'll most likely be given pain medication beforehand. Most patients only experience minor discomfort or cramps during the process.
Your partner will submit a sperm sample while your eggs are being extracted. The sample is washed to separate the stronger ones from weaker, immotile sperm cells. The same process is carried out for donor sperm so that only the best sperm are used during IVF.
Now comes the most well-known phase of IVF: uniting the healthiest sperm with the best eggs. Insemination is the term for this stage. A sperm normally takes a few hours to fertilize an egg.
Your doctor will use a catheter to insert the embryos into your uterus three to five days after fertilization. This portion of IVF is done while you are awake. Multiple embryos can implant at the same time.
The IVF procedure is designed to mimic natural reproduction. The pregnancy test is the next stage following IVF to see if the procedure was successful.
IVF, like any other medical process, carries some risks and potential side effects. Here are some aftereffects you might experience:
In rare cases, IVF can pose more serious risks, such as:
Any questions or concerns you have regarding the risks and side effects of IVF can be discussed with your IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai.
IVF is an assistive reproductive technology (ART) that involves taking the eggs from a woman’s ovaries, fertilizing them with sperm in a lab, and allowing the embryo to develop in a lab before placing it in the woman’s uterus.
IVF is usually recommended to patients with ovulation disorders, unexplained infertility issues, complications with the uterus or fallopian tubes if patients are using donor eggs or sperm, or cases with male factor infertility.
IVF treatment success depends on factors like age, previous pregnancy, sperm quality, fertility issues, egg quality, embryo quality, donor eggs, and lifestyle factors.
All sports and strenuous activities like running, cycling, and weightlifting should be avoided after IVF treatment.
There are some risks involved in in vitro fertilization, which include Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), ectopic pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, birth defects, and miscarriages.
At D Y Patil IVF Centre, we specialize in providing personalized care for each of our patients at affordable prices. Our best IVF centre in Navi Mumbai has state-of-the-art equipment and technology, vast expertise in ART treatments, and a high rate of success.