Pricing AeroLeads (Snovio alternative) email finder
The amount of uniqueness you can bring to your business idea helps to grab more customers. While most of the B2B sites name their plans as Free, Gold, and Platinum, which is quite normal. categorizes its plans under Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L), and Extra Large (XL). They have both monthly and yearly plans.
• Small (S): – Starts at $39/month, giving access to 1,000 credits, verifying 2,000 email addresses and CSV export. 1,000 single domain searches and 1,000 verified emails from social media. Free technology finder is also provided
• Medium (M): – Priced at $69, giving 5,000 credits – 2,500 bulk domain searches, 5000 single domain searches, 5000 verified emails from social networks, verification of 10,000 email addresses and free technology finder along with CSV Export.
• Large (L): – After paying $129, you will get 20,00 credits, 10,000 bulk domain searches, 20,000 single domain searches, free technology finder, and verification of 40,000 email addresses along with CSV Export.
• Extra Large (XL): – Pay $199 and get access to 50,000 credits which can be used for 25,000 bulk domain searches, 50,000 single domain searches, 50,000 verified emails from social media networks, free technology finder, verification of 10,000 email addresses and CSV Export.
They have yearly plans that are similar to their monthly plans with more credits and features. You can distribute your credits in the way you wish! The export feature is available in all paid plans. Regarding the refund policy, the credits must not be spent within 30 days.
AeroLeads (Snovio alternative)
The trial version of AeroLeads grants you 10 credits to search for your prospects. You can use the free accounts as much as you want but they do have limitations on usage, results and do not allow features like exporting data to other services like Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Salesforce which makes AeroLeads a worthy alternative.
• TAKE OFF: Starts with $49/month, one can easily add 1000 records, find the email, full name, company name, Phone Number, URL, and Title of Prospect. One can import data from CSV and Export to CSV. Basic email support will be provided!
• CLIMB: The most popular plan as claimed by AeroLeads, adding 4000 records every month, enabling users and all the above-mentioned features.
• CRUISE: Adding a massive number of 15000 records, this plan allows unlimited users at one time.
• ENTERPRISE: – AeroLeads has a dynamic and flexible feature of allowing the customers to quote their price and demand. Just email them with your specific requirements and you will get the best price!Competitors who offer tools to find emails and phone numbers include AeroLeads & So why is AeroLeads a better Snovio alternative?
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